1. Tasha

    Here we have the lovely poundie girl Tasha. We believe she is about 3/4yrs old, unknown if spayed, will start her vacs again and we will also chip. She is a very friendly girl who at present is a little wary of things going over or above her head but...
  2. Rio

    Please meet Riva and Rio (Riva at the front). These girls are 16 weeks old and are GSD x Inuits. They came to us from the pound having been saved from a caravan fire which killed their 5 siblings. Settled into foster very quickly and having lots of fun with...
  3. Riva

    Please meet Riva and Rio (Riva at the front). These girls are 16 weeks old and are GSD x Inuits. They came to us from the pound having been saved from a caravan fire which killed their 5 siblings. Settled into foster very quickly and having lots of fun with...
  4. Rocco

    This pup is with another rescue and has not been seen or assessed by us: Rocko is currently in training using the clicker, he is a bright boy and is eager to learn. Though is a cuddle bug, he is not suitable to live with children or other pets at...
  5. Bonnie

    Here we have Bonnie bob tail the pocket rocket of the Sheffield six!! Bonnie is 6yo, not yet spayed but will be, started her vacs and chipped. As with all her family members has only lived with them, we recently had some off lead time with 3 other bitches and...
  6. Shadow

    Meet Shadow also daughter of Kai and Ruby and sister to Misty, Shadow, Bonnie and Scarlet. Spayed  and chipped, no vacs to date yet. Not been around other dogs except her family but we did have some off lead time with 3 other bitches and she was fine, will stand...
  7. Misty

    Here we have the lovely Misty, daughter to Ruby and Kai. She is 6yrs, not yet spayed but will be very soon, will start her vacs and be chipped. Sadly this poor lass like her sisters has seen little to nothing of the outside world but has the most lovely...
  8. Ruby

    Say hello to mummy Ruby from the allotment family. She is 9yo. We were told she is spayed and is in the process of vacs and chip being done. She has a lovely nature and loves all people she has met, has not socialised outside her family unit so will...
  9. Sophie

    This lovely girl is Sophie who is 6 years old, recently spayed. Also had 2 benign lumps removed. Will need vaccinating and Microchipping. Sophie has been in the same home since a pup but due to a change in working circumstance and a new baby, she is not getting the time...
  10. Kai

    Well what a story Mr Kai has to tell. He is 9yo, still entire as we now feel he is too old for the op, in the process of getting his vacs done and chipped. This poor lad has spent his entire life on an allotment making babies with his...

Why we do what we do

German Shepherd Rescue Elite was not only set up to help as many unwanted, abandoned and neglected German Shepherds as possible, but to also offer education to the general public on the responsibilities / pros / cons of owning a large working breed dog and to be able to offer help and advice so hopefully we can become the prevention for once instead of always being the cure.

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