May I introduce the rather stunning Fiena who is 8 years young. She is not spayed and her vaccinations are out of date but we are told she is microchipped.
This lovely girl is good with children and we are told other dogs except for small dogs, however she has not mixed with other dogs for quite a while apart from next door’s. Unknown with cats but probably a no.
Fiena has been in the same home since a pup. She is good on a halti and has basic commands. Recall not great if she is distracted and this lass does have a high prey drive, No issues with food or toys.
Fiena’s owner spends a lot of time working abroad and a lot of time on her own outside during the day so really would like a home to hang her bag on please where she can just enjoy some company and love.
Fiena has herself a new dad all to herself.
Fiena had over 2 years with her new dad who adored her, but her time came to cross Rainbow Bridge.