

Raven is available for adoption through GSRE – this is what her current owner says about her.

Raven is a 1-year-old female, black and tan German Shepherd with semi-length coat. She is not neutered as yet and had her last season in Jan/Feb this year. She is micro-chipped, vaccinated and flea/worm treated. She has no known food allergies but does have an upset tummy regularly and will soon be taken to the vet for tests by her current owner. She is a light girl at present weighing in at around 22 kilos. She has a healthy soft, shiny coat and is described by her owner as being a nervous girl who can display some fear aggression. She has no other disclosed medical issues. She currently eats Acana dry food twice daily. She has lived in her current home since she was bought from a private breeder at 8 weeks old and is described as being good when visiting the vets.

Raven is being rehomed by her current owner as she shows aggression towards people when they quickly enter her space (home) due to her nervousness. Her owner has tried many different ways to address the issue (training) but without success. She is currently muzzled (if not in her crate) all the time at home due to showing aggression towards a male member (step-father) of the home and is also muzzled/on-lead when visitors come to the house as she has a bite history (see below for details).

Raven is not good with children and does not like people, especially men, coming into her space (her home etc.) unexpectedly. She nipped the owners 15-year-old nephew as he walked through the door and has grabbed/mouthed the sister-in-law on a separate occasion. She has bitten (leaving marks and drawing blood) the step-father who was walking down the stairs at the time (he lives in the same house) and she has nipped another 8-year-old nephew (unknown details).

Raven is described as being fine with people who come to the house as long as slow introductions are made (see below details from the GSRE assessors visit). She is generally muzzled and kept on-lead for these introductions. She can be left alone for up to 3 hours with no destructive behaviour. She is good at travelling in a car, lives indoors and is housetrained. She initially pulls a little when taken for a walk on-lead but will calm down. She has a recall if not distracted and knowns sit, down, paw, touch, over, stay and bed. She does not show possessive tendencies over food/toys other than high value treats with other dogs.

Raven has a selective reaction to other dogs and is generally much better with slow introductions. She has lived with another dog (no details known). She has taken part in several group dog walks with other GSD’s without issue. Her reaction to cats is not known and she does not react to livestock. She is described as being very toy and treat focused and enjoys playing ball. She is good during her visits to the groomers, ok with fireworks but isn’t keen on buses.

During the time the GSRE assessor spent with Raven, this is what they said about her.
When the assessor entered the room Raven was out of sight in the kitchen so they sat facing sideways to the kitchen door and just focused on their notes. Raven (muzzled) was very slowly and calmly led into the room. She was interested in the assessor but not in a negative way. She did not bark or lunge and approached them for a sniff before focusing on her ball. She paid them no attention and displayed no aggression. After completing their notes, the assessor sat facing Raven and called her name, she responded with a quick look then focused on her ball again.

The assessor began to interact with Raven and she responded positively towards them. They were able to stroke her, play ball (nudging the ball towards them with her muzzle and wait for it to be nudged back). During this play she would sit and give her paw upon request. The assessor could also stand and sit, leave and enter the room with no signs of aggression.

The assessor had two walks with Raven, the first with her current owner and the second with the assessor alone (muzzled during both). During the first walk, Raven pulled a little at first but then walked nicely. She did not react to traffic or people. She walked past a small dog and although her ears pricked up, it was only passing interest.

On the second walk, Raven initially walked behind the assessor but then relaxed and walked nicely by their side. Again, she did not react to people passing. She walked past a large black Lab and Ravens hackles were raised and she pulled away from the dog, hugging the wall. No sign of aggression and no barking. In fact, during the whole visit the assessor didn’t hear her bark.

Raven is a nervous dog and needs careful introductions. From what was explained, Raven, for some reason, is not keen on the Stepdad who lives in the home. Having read about Ravens reported issues before the assessors visit, they were expecting much worse than what they saw. They really warmed to Raven, saying she is a lovely dog, and will make a good companion in the right home.

Apply to adopt

Newark, Notts - Own home
12 month
Good with children:
Good with other dogs:
Good with cats:

Why we do what we do

German Shepherd Rescue Elite was not only set up to help as many unwanted, abandoned and neglected German Shepherds as possible, but to also offer education to the general public on the responsibilities / pros / cons of owning a large working breed dog and to be able to offer help and advice so hopefully we can become the prevention for once instead of always being the cure.

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