
Simba 2_result
Simba 1_result

Simba is available for adoption through GSRE – this is what his current owners say about him.

Simba is a 2-year-old male, black and tan, German Shepherd with a semi-length coat. He is not currently neutered but is microchipped. His vaccinations and flea/worm treatment are currently due. He has no known food allergies but does have a sensitive stomach. He does not have any disclosed medical issues. He does not like going to the vets and is generally muzzled. He has lived in his current home since he was 8 weeks old when he was obtained from a friend.

Simba is being rehomed through GSRE as he is showing anxiety around the resident children and female of the household, growling at them. This issue started happening after a reunion following a brief spell away from the family home when Simba was living alone with the male resident, with the children only visiting.
Simba has been to the vets and aIer having X-rays they have ruled out pain as being a factor for his behaviour change.
Simba’s reaction around the resident children, aged between 1-7 years, has become unpredictable. He has happily grown up alongside them without issue but will now avoid any interactions with the children, taking himself away from them, and will growl at them if the children persist in trying to interact with him. He has also started to growl at the adult female of the house as well as other family members but has not bitten anybody.

Simba’s is described as being good with both cats and other dogs and will play with them. He is fine being off lead in open spaces, he likes other dogs and does not bother anybody. He is not outwardly aggressive but will growl if approached. He will bark when people visit the home and is described as being unpredictable – he could be fine or he could be anxious and growl. He is currently left alone in the home from 9am to 3pm, 4 days a week and does not show any destructive behaviour. He travels well in the car, lives indoors and is housetrained.

Simba will pull when walked on a lead but is much better when walked on a head-collar. He has a brilliant recall and also knows sit, paw, down and responds to a whistle. He guards his food and water and will show some possessive tendencies over his toys also. He is not possessive over the residents of the home. He is fine with loud noises.

During the time the GSRE assessor spent with Simba, this is what they said about him.

When the assessor entered the home, Simba was shut in the kitchen. Once the assessor sat down in the living room, Simba was let out. He approached them for a sniff then began growling. Simba ignored them after that and only growled again when they made brief eye contact with him.

The assessor saw Simba growl at the female adult resident twice when she tried to stroke him. In contrast they also saw Simba being very affectionate and playful with the male resident who he has never growled at. He also gets on well with the owner’s father and brother but not mum or sister.

Apply to adopt

Lincs - Own Home
Good with children:
Good with other dogs:
Careful introduction
Good with cats:

Why we do what we do

German Shepherd Rescue Elite was not only set up to help as many unwanted, abandoned and neglected German Shepherds as possible, but to also offer education to the general public on the responsibilities / pros / cons of owning a large working breed dog and to be able to offer help and advice so hopefully we can become the prevention for once instead of always being the cure.

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