

Sophie is a female, black German Shepherd who we believe to be around 8 years old (from microchip details). She came into GSRE Lincs kennels from the pound after being picked up as a stray, so no history on this girl means that we would not place her in a home with young children. She is not cat tested at present. It is unknown how long Sophie was a stray for but she came in to us in reasonably good condition and was friendly towards people from the start.

When Sophie first arrived at kennels, she was a scared girl who looked for ways to escape from such an unfamiliar place. She sought reassurance through affection rather than independently sniffing around or playing with toys, although she was happy to wander around the paddock on a long line to explore with a human alongside. She is friendly towards all of the vollies and kennel owners with no signs of aggression to date.

Sophie’s confidence has grown a little in the short time she has been with us in kennels but she still looks for reassurance to sooth her anxiety. She is happy jumping in and out of a car and travels reasonably well, albeit a little noisy to start with but will eventually settle. Her anxious serenading in the car is improving with every trip out.

Whilst out on walks Sophie is happy to be on a long line and will sniff and explore, she is very scent driven. She will pull at times if she wants to go in a particular direction but generally walks well on a lead. She hasn’t shown interest in squirrels or birds whilst out.

Sophie can to be reactive (hackles & vocals) towards other dogs regardless of their size, proximity or behaviour. However, on a recent trip out with some of her kennel mates Sophie appeared reactive towards another of our kennel dogs before meeting her up close. The dog she met is an older female, like herself, who is not reactive to other dogs. After a controlled and gentle introduction, they were happy and relaxed walking together. It is possible that Sophie may have gained confidence from walking with another dog. We believe her dog reactivity may ease over time by improving her social skills.

Once Sophie feels settled by having a good fuss and cuddle with her vollies, she is happy to play ‘hunt the treat’ in the grass and to have a good sniff about. She knows some basic commands such as sit and paw and is happy to take treats. She is yet to play very much with toys but it may be that she is unfamiliar with them. She will chase a ball and pick it up but then appears not to know what to do with it after that.

Sophie is fine in the vets, having her temperature taken and receiving her vaccinations without issue. She is an anxious girl who looks to her handler for reassurance but is happy to be touched and handled by a vet, even licking liver paste from their fingers when offered.

Sophie is a sweet and friendly girl who appears to enjoy being close to people which helps her gain confidence and calms her apprehension. She is the type of girl who will fall asleep on your feet and love to spend time exploring new walks and sniffs.
We believe this girl needs a quiet home where she can feel safe and secure. She will need time to find her feet and become the dog she should always have been through encouragement, structure and routine.

Sophie has been adopted.

Sophie has passed over Rainbow Bridge.

Why we do what we do

German Shepherd Rescue Elite was not only set up to help as many unwanted, abandoned and neglected German Shepherds as possible, but to also offer education to the general public on the responsibilities / pros / cons of owning a large working breed dog and to be able to offer help and advice so hopefully we can become the prevention for once instead of always being the cure.

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Registered Charity No: 1150928.                    Registered Company No. 8289960.