1. Ghost

    Say hi to Ghost, he is 4yrs old, neutered, fully vaccinated , we are told he is chipped but number not known. Our assessor was told that he is good around children, fine with other dogs, a no to cats and has never seen livestock. He has lived with other...
  2. Sheba

    This lovely lady is Sheba who we believe to be about 4 years old. Her vaccinations have been done and she is now microchipped and spayed. Sheba came to us from the pound where her time was up so we have no history on her. Has shown no issues since arriving and...
  3. Brenda

    Have a look at this stunner, I give you Brenda, still only a baby at 12 months, spayed and chipped, needs to restart her vaccinations. This girl has a fantastic temperament, she has been fine around large and smaller dogs, has met my cats and is fine with them but...
  4. Molly

    Say hello to Molly, she is 4yrs old, spayed, fully vaccinated and we are told chipped. Unknown around children although the ones she has met she has been fine with has never lived with any, ok around dogs if intros are done properly, a no to cats and not been...
  5. Wolf

    Feast your eyes on this very handsome gent, his name is Wolf , his dad has died and he urgently needs to find another place to stay! He is 9/10yrs young, sadly still entire, vaccinations are out of date and we are told he is chipped but no number available...
  6. Mali

    This young man is just 1 year old and is a GSD cross Belgian Shepherd Malinois. Now microchipped, vaccinated and neutered. Very playful and energetic, seems fine with other large dogs. Loves treats (useful training aid) and takes gently. Most of all he loves cuddles. He is quite nervous of...
  7. Nova

    2 beautiful little girls that were abandoned in a field along with a third pup. We were asked to take them in through the local RSCPA who had been asked for help by the animal warden. The third pup found a home on arriving at the kennels with the warden!...
  8. Liquorice

    2 beautiful little girls that were abandoned in a field along with a third pup. We were asked to take them in through the local RSCPA who had been asked for help by the animal warden. The third pup found a home on arriving at the kennels with the warden!...
  9. Sparky

    May I introduce Sparky who is 9 years old. He is neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. Good with children, dogs and cats! He will chase cats if they run, but close up just licks them, so introduced properly should be fine. Sparky has been with this owner since a pup and...
  10. Casper

    This happy, handsome lad is 5 year Casper. Currently entire, he is microchipped but his vaccinations will need bringing up to date. Being rehomed because of ill health, Casper is unknown with children and we are told not good with other dogs as he nips their bums. Sounds like he...

Why we do what we do

German Shepherd Rescue Elite was not only set up to help as many unwanted, abandoned and neglected German Shepherds as possible, but to also offer education to the general public on the responsibilities / pros / cons of owning a large working breed dog and to be able to offer help and advice so hopefully we can become the prevention for once instead of always being the cure.

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