
Jazz (1)
Jazz (2)
Jazz (3)
Jazz (4)
Jazz (5)
Jazz (6)
Jazz (7)
Jazz (8)
Jazz (9)

May I introduce Jazz who is 8 years young, spayed, vaccinated and microchipped. This is what our volunteer had to say about her:

“Jazz is a beautiful long haired white female German Shepherd aged 8.  She is looking for a home following a separation where neither party are able to keep her.  She is temporarily staying with her dad’s mother but is being left for long hours and not being walked regularly.  My knock on door was greeted by loud barking which continued as I entered the house and until I sat down when it stopped fairly quickly.  This is the usual greeting for strangers, friends are greeted with a happy and friendly dog.  Jazz immediately showed an interest and after having a good sniff and a treat was very cuddly and welcoming.  She currently lives with 2 very small dogs who she is very friendly with, she plays a lot with the younger bouncier dog and is more gentle and reserved with the older dog.  She loves other dogs and adapts her play style to suit them.  She also lives with a parrot who she quite likes.  There is a cat in the house but he lives upstairs all the time and Jazz stays downstairs.  Jazz always barks at the door and has barked at someone walking in the back gate/garden.

She is a little afraid of high wind noises in the house and will hide and whine.  She is happy to be in the garden or go for a walk in the high winds but the noise of it in the house whistling around frightens her a bit.

The family have 2 young girls who have grown up with Jazz and she adores them.  They play with her and she is gentle and fun and loves running about with them.  To ensure safety around the children Jazz has sensibly been taught from a puppy to allow her food/bowl/toys/chews etc to be touched/taken and also to be touched everywhere so she is happy to be handled.  She has no issues visiting and being checked by a vet and is very good a travelling in the car.

I took her for a 15 minute street walk with just a lead attached to her collar.  She pulled a little but nothing too serious, she hadn’t been walked for some time and was a little keen.  You can tell she is a strong girl.  She is quite erratic on the lead weaving from side to side and constantly sniffs the floor and everything around.  A regular routine of walking at a decent pace to a specific destination/park where she can run and play properly would be beneficial.  She apparently has good recall but there was no suitable place to test this.  She LOVES water and will race for any source, her recall goes out of the window if she wants to swim.

We played football in the garden for ages and she loves to run about, she is very healthy and fit and is showing no signs of slowing at 8 years, more like a 4 year old.  Her hair, nails and teeth are in excellent condition.  She has a lovely straight back and legs and has the most beautiful eyes.  She is fun, well behaved, great with kids and dogs, cuddly… this girl is absolutely gorgeous!”

Jazz has been adopted.

Jazz has passed peacefully over Rainbow Bridge.

Why we do what we do

German Shepherd Rescue Elite was not only set up to help as many unwanted, abandoned and neglected German Shepherds as possible, but to also offer education to the general public on the responsibilities / pros / cons of owning a large working breed dog and to be able to offer help and advice so hopefully we can become the prevention for once instead of always being the cure.

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Registered Charity No: 1150928.                    Registered Company No. 8289960.