Venus is 7 years young and along with her brother Pluto is in urgent need of a new home as her owners emigrated at the end of the June and she is staying with friends temporarily. Both dogs are good with children and other dogs. Unknown with cats.
They are friendly, relaxed dogs who gently seek attention with nose shoving and the offer of a paw. Pluto and Venus are both strong on the lead as rarely walked and whilst they both have basic commands, they can be selective on recall if distracted.
These happy, laid back dogs and let our volunteer handle them and check them all over. Typically Venus is the more dominant of the pair.
Their owner has said that the last time the dogs went into kennels they did not handle it well and came back very stressed, taking them months to recover so this is not a viable option.
Can you please help urgently?
Pluto and Venus now in a wonderful new home together!
Venus had a wonderful 5 years but has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.