In memory of those who have crossed over Rainbow Bridge.


  1. Katy

    Katy is around 3 years of age. Just before Christmas we were contacted by her local Dog Warden. She had been living with a male in squalor. Both were near emaciation and appeared to have just been used for breeding. The RSPCA were involved but before their follow up visit, the owners were evicted from the property and the dogs were just turned loose! Poor Katy was found with a broken toe. Katy had an operation to remove the damaged toe and then came into our care to mend. Microchipped and vaccinated. Not spayed we are told. We would not rehome Katy with children as we have no idea of the extent of abuse she may have received.  She is quite nervous when first meeting people and can show her teeth, but is gaining more trust and confidence with people all the time. Typical bitch, can be dominant with the other dogs and will need careful socialisation. Unknown with cats. Katy so deserves a loving home of her own please where she can get the love and care she has missed out on! Katy is settling into her new home well. Beautiful Katy has passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  2. Hunter

    Stunning dog alert!! Please say hello to Hunter who is 4 years old, fully vaccinated but still entire ( for now). Hunter arrived via the pound and it’s fair to say that he’s one super dog! He’s made friends with everyone at the kennels and he’s a true gent! Hunter knows a few basic commands but he does require some work in the lead dept as he’s a bit of a goon and likes to pull. He’d be ideally suited to an active home as he’s full of beans and he’s a big strong lad. No homes with young children, cats or dogs. Hunter can bond to one person very quickly in the home so this will need to be addressed straight away in a new place to avoid it from happening. If you have a Hunter size space in your home and heart then please get in touch. Sadly Hunter has passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  3. Lucy

    Well what can I say about this young lass! Lucy is obviously not a full GSD and is around a year old. Microchipped and vaccinated but unspayed. Lucy was one of our collections before Christmas from a pound, where she had been picked up as a stray. With no history we would not rehome her with young children, but actually she is more likely to knock them over than anything! Loves playing with other dogs, just does not know when to stop, typical of a pup. Lucy’s legs are growing at different rates at present but we have been told by the vet to just monitor for now. Something she should grow out of. A super friendly, playful girl, Lucy just needs a home with the time to give her the training a pup of her age needs. Can you give Lucy the home she deserves? Lucy is staying with her foster home. Lucy was a very special girl and has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  4. Marley

    Have a look at this lovely older boy, his name is Marley and really needs your help. He is 10yrs old, sadly still entire, not vaccinated or chipped. He is fine around children, ok with visiting dogs in the home but can be selective when out walking, a no to cats and other small furries, never encountered livestock. Our volunteer was greeted like an old friend on her arrival, this lovely boy is desperate for some company, he does sleep in the home at night in a crate but spends his days outside in a concrete run due to his owner being out at work all day. He seems in good condition but has not seen a vet since he was a pup. No aggression with toys or food, knows his basic commands, really doesn’t get out on walks often so owner does not feel confident to allow off lead. This stunning boy would love a sofa of his own or happy to share with you and maybe a calm dog…….please help us make this come true for him!! Marley is now in foster and is neutered and microchipped and settling into home life well. Marley will be staying with...
  5. Murphy

    May I introduce Murphy who is believed to be 5 or 6 and is neutered. Murphy has settled well in foster and is a dog that likes to talk. Good with other dogs and people. This lovely lad is now with his forever family. Murphy passed over Rainbow Bridge after a long and happy life.
  6. Bonnie

    Bonnie came into another rescue with her son Teddy but she was at risk as she was not reacting well to other dogs. This may be because she was attacked by a dog in the park. Bonnie is 3 years, now spayed, vaccinated and microchipped. In her previous home she was good with children and visitors. She can be very playful and excitable with people but has always been friendly. Bonnie will need training and re-socialisation and will probably have to be the only dog. Unknown with cats. For an experienced home willing to put in some time with her, Bonnie will make a fantastic addition to your family. Bonnie is now settling into her new home. Beautiful Bonnie had a wonderful life but has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  7. Barney aka Bernie

    Bernie first came into the rescue in 2014. He was a lovable rogue and it took us a while to find him the right home. He finally found his spot being a patrol dog for a large company in Cornwall where basically he spent all of his time with a handler and just had to alert to any possible breaks ins and bark! His original write up is below. Now at 11 years of age Bernie has been retired and is back in our care. One of his handlers so wanted to take him home but sadly his resident dog was not having any of it! Bernie has obviously slowed down no and is on Yumove to help his joints, but would love a retirement home where he has the space to bumble about. No young children as he is still a large lump. Would probably live with a bitch with little problem. Are you his special retirement home? “BARNEY IS A SPECIAL NEEDS DOG! Well what can we say about this soppy lad! Barney is a GSD cross Rottie but does not have one ounce of malice in his daft body!  He does not like being left so would...
  8. Amber

    Feast your eyes on this gorgeous girl, her name is Amber and she joined GSRE after we took her in from the pound. We think she is around the 4yr mark age wise, she looks to have had pups not that long ago and not her first litter bless her so safe to say she will not be spayed, fully vaccinated and chipped. On the day she arrived she was so wary of all of us but after the initial meeting she settled down and the next time she met everyone she mugged us all for kisses, she really is a lovely girl. Amber has been fine around the other dogs at the kennels when out walking, not keen on cats and would be fine with older children. Now in foster for some well deserved one to one TLC and now looking for her forever home. Beautiful Amber has passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  9. Bella

    Introducing the gorgeous Bella who is a 4 year GSD cross . Bella is spayed, vaccinated and microchipped. She originally came to us through another rescue as her owner gave her up as she felt she was too much to handle. Since being in rescue Bella has made a considerable improvement in her training and socialisation.  This will continue to be worked on daily.  Bella will now calmly walk side by side with other dogs, she now has good foundation basic training and has good solid use of the following commands; sit, down, wait, stay, paw, pray. She loves to play and her leaves/ drop’s are coming along well, her lead manners have also much improved.  Due to having a strong prey drive Bella’s recall is still very much work in progress when distractions are involved. Bella is fine with children and a very friendly, loving girl. She was living with a cat but the cat started to run from her so Bella would chase.  So a home without a cat would be best. If you want a travel companion Bella is your girl.  She absolutely LOVES the car, liking nothing better to sit and watch the word go by.  So,...
  10. Diesel

    Have a look at this gorgeous grumpy old chap. His name is Diesel, he is 10yrs young, neutered, fully vaccinated and chipped. This poor lad was taken into rescue after being found in the home sat at the side of his dead owner. The rescue that took him in were having a few issues introducing new people to him and asked us for help. I am very happy to say he is now in foster and don’t think we will be seeing him back in our kennels! Diesel has been adopted. Diesel has passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  11. Cleo

    We were asked to take beautiful Cleo in by another rescue. She had been picked up as a stray and it was obvious she wasn’t very well so went straight to the vets. The vets felt it was gastroenteritis and probably why she had been dumped at just 7 months of age. She was put on an IV drip to replace fluids and after a few days discharged. Cleo was described to us as a real little sweetheart and we had a foster home lined up for her, but she still wasn’t eating properly so was taken back to the vets. It turned out this poor little girl had a blockage of bones and despite the vet’s efforts, they lost her on the table. So sorry we didn’t get the chance to help you sweetheart, but run free over the Bridge.
  12. Riley

    Riley is 10 years old. We were contacted by kennels where the police take seized dogs as his dad had died and family did not want him. He does not act his age! This lovely older lad absolutely loves people and was used to being with his dad all the time, so we managed to find him a foster dad he could be with 24/7. We were told he barks at other dogs but from what was seen during his transport run, no aggression, but just seemed to want to say hello to all of the dogs as well as the people. Riley will be staying with his foster dad. The gorgeous Riley passed away peacefully in his sleep.
  13. Max

    Meet the lovely Max, who is we believe crossed with a Rottie. This young  lad came to us via one of our volunteers as his family could no longer give him the time he needed. He is 3 years and neutered. He did live with a 5yo in his previous home but due to needing further training we would ideally place him with older children only. We will be socialising him on group walks so will update you on his progress with other dogs but he is a friendly boy so we don’t think there will be a problem.  Max also lived with 3 cats in his previous home. He travelled well to the kennels. .A good boy on the lead with ok recall and he knows some basic commands. He has been fine at the vets, taking treats from her but seems to have a bit of a needle phobia around the neck area but we are working on this! Max was in foster with a number of other dogs; he gets on really well with the ladies who are quite laid back, but one of the teenage males and Max did not see eye to eye when flexing their...
  14. Bella

    Bella is about 10 years old. She is not spayed, vaccinated but is microchipped. Bella has been taken in as an emergency as her owner had to give up her accommodation, however where she is at present does not allow dogs either so her current keeper is being threatened with eviction. This is what our volunteer had to say about her: “Bella is a lovely girl. She was very vocal when I arrived and took a minute or two to settle but then just wanted cuddles. I gather she has lived in a house with a garden previously but not ventured much further and is not used to being out and about and socialising. We took her for a walk and she was quite strong on a normal collar and lead and doesn’t appear to have had any kind of training there. She was reactive out but only vocally and quite random – she’d bark at some dogs and people but not others. She was quite weak behind from lack of exercise and needed building up. When we returned she took the stairs one at a time. Becky hasn’t let her off whilst she has had her so her recall...
  15. Niko

    Mr Handsome here, Niko, is about 3 and is neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. He was picked up as a stray so there is no history. The kennels have described him as being a typical shepherd in the kennels and very vocal when people approach, however when told to stop he does and is happy for people to go in and give him attention. Our volunteer found him very eager to please and very happy for attention, and allowed her to stroke and fuss all over. He met ducks when out walking and ignored and whilst he pulled on the lead for the first 10 minutes he then calmed down. Niko sat and waited for passing cars and for treats but did jump up to see if there were anymore for him.  He met 4 other dogs when out and ignored 3 but was reactive towards a male staffy barking and pulling towards the dog however the tail was wagging the whole time. Experienced GSD home will have no problem settling this lad in! Niko is now settling in with his new family. This lovely lad, Niko, has passed over Rainbow Bridge at the age of 12 with kidney failure.
  16. Lola

    Lola came to us from a pound. She is about 3 years old. Unknown if spayed but microchipped and vaccinations started. Her finder said she has been straying for a few days and appeared to of made herself a bed in some bushes. Described as adorable, very friendly although a little over weight. Been out on walks with other dogs with no problems. Obviously unknown with children and cats. This lovely girl will make a super companion. Lola has bagged herself a wonderful new home. Beautiful Lola also known as Bella, has passed over Rainbow Bridge at the grand age of 13.
  17. Captain Tom

    Well what can we say about this lad! Captain Tom came into us during lockdown and was given his name by the council who picked him up as a stray. We believe he is about 12 years old but he was not microchipped but is neutered. This lovely old lad has been a sweetheart with everyone and everything he has met so far and just needs a cosy retirement home to enjoy his twilight years please. Happily settled with foster dad, Captain Tom will be staying where he is. Captain Tom had a wonderful couple of years with his foster dad but has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  18. Bailey

    Say hello to Bailey, he is 5yrs old, not yet neutered, vaccinations are out of date and he is chipped. We are told he lives with children over 7yrs, fine with the bitch he lives with, may bark at small dogs when out, a no to cats, no reaction to livestock. Will bark when people come to the door but fine when they are invited in, no chewing when left. Will pull initially on lead but then settles, good recall, knows all basic commands and has no toy or food issues. Our assessor found Bailey to be a friendly lad who loved a fuss, can you offer this lad this forever home? Gemma and Bailey have found a new home where they can stay together. Sadly Bailey has passed over Rainbow Bridge having been diagnosed with cancer of the spleen.
  19. Samson

    Meet the lovely boy that is our Samson. On the PTS list in a dog pound because he dared to growl because he was scared and was given 2 days to find a rescue space or that was it for him. Our volunteer who met Samson on his arrival at the kennels said he is the most gentle, friendly boy she has ever met so very pleased this boy is now safe with us. We think he is only about 18 months or younger, Sam is fully vaccinated, chipped and neutered. This lovely boy would love nothing more than a lovely new home, could this be you? Sam is now in foster care and learning how good life can be. Can a new mummy and daddy step up please and give him the new start in life this young lad deserves. Beautiful Samson has passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  20. Bailey

    Have a look at this gorgeous girl, her name is Bailey, she is 9yrs old, now spayed, chipped and fully vaccinated. Since arriving with us she has really come out of her shell and has been a joy with all people she has met, ok to walk alongside our other dogs, possibly a no to cats and older children only. Bailey loves her walks and time out with the vollies, loves to play with the toys, fine in the car, has enjoyed a bath too. Bailey did have a spell in foster but sadly became very protective of the lady of the house and refused to allow her husband or the male dog in the room! She really needs a one to one home please. If you could offer this older lady her forever home that would be great, please get in touch. Bailey has passed peacefully over Rainbow Bridge after losing her mobility on her back end.
  21. Chase

    Form a queue peeps, here we have our Chase, he is 3yrs, sadly not neutered and when we had a feel he only has one dropped testicle so will be being neutered as soon as, fully vacs and chipped. Great with all the people he has met and seems fine around large dogs but not small so I expect cats will be the same but we will test. I would say older children only as he came to us via the pound so no real history on this boy. Still very much a baby needing to know his boundaries and basic training. Can you offer this bouncing baby his second chance? Chase is now in his new home. Beautiful Chase has passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  22. Carla aka Ayala

    Meet the lovely Ayala. She is 3yrs old her owner says she is about to come into season , fully vaccinated and chipped. We are told she is fine with older children and enjoys playing with other dogs, unknown with cats. Ayala is now safe in foster with us. Knows her basic commands, needs more lead work but enjoys her walks. Our assessor found Ayala to be a lovely dog, very friendly, can be a bit boisterous but just out of excitement. Can you offer this lovely girl a new home? The gorgeous Ayala is with her new mum. Ayala who was known as Carla has passed peacefully over Rainbow Bridge.  
  23. Logan aka Zach

    Here we have the handsome Zach who is 4 years old. He is currently entire. He is microchipped but vaccinations are not up to date. Zach is good with children and lives with children 8 to 14. He is friendly with other dogs and overfriendly with small dogs which many mistake for aggression. He has lived with a Chihuahua. A no to cats. Zach greeted our volunteers in a friendly way and was described as a beautiful boy with a playful nature. He does pull on his canny collar, but has recall and basic commands. Very sad rehoming  as his owners have had him since a pup, but a change in working hours means he is being left for long periods alone. Zach will fit into most homes with little fuss! Zach, now called Logan, is staying with his foster mum. Beautiful Logan struggled with epilepsy in later life and has now passed over Rainbow Bridge after some further complications. Run free Logan.
  24. Brinkley

    May I introduce Brinkley who according to his microchip is 9 years old. Now neutered and vaccinations restarted. Brinkley came to us from a pound so little history known but we are told he is good with other dogs. No children as he can be a bit of a grump and will show his teeth if he is not happy about something, but can also be very friendly. Brinkley was a bit tubby but has slimmed down since being with us. Could still do with some more hind end muscle, and would probably love a home with an older bitch for company please as he is a bit of a lady’s man! Brinkley was adopted and had been in his new home for over 3 months however, he suddenly decided he was taking charge of the home and there was a biting incident. A lovely lad as long as he gets firm but fair handling. Brinkley has passed peacefully over Rainbow Bridge. No signs of anything wrong, but when Auntie Jan went to give him his tea, he was asleep in his bed running free.
  25. Duke

    Have a look at this beauty, he goes by the name of Duke and he is 3yrs old. neutered, we are told he is fully vaccinated and chipped but no paperwork seen. His owner says he is unknown around children but fine with teenagers, ok with other dogs as long as correct intros are adhered to, no to cats and possibly livestock. Very excited when our volunteer arrived but soon settled.Has been left for up to 8hrs with no chewing, not a great traveller as gets car sick. Will initially pull at the start of the walk but then calms down, no recall but does know all his basic commands. Sadly Duke is not getting the time spent with him he deserves, do you think you could be the right home for this lovely lad, if so please fill out a form on our website. Duke has been adopted. Poor Duke taken way too young with a spleen tumour that had spread, so is now running free over Rainbow Bridge.
  26. Jade

    Jade is 7 years old, spayed and microchipped but vaccinations are out of date. Good with older children, dogs, cats and chickens we are told, however can be nervous meeting dogs off lead but no aggression. Jade was taken in on behalf of a friend a year ago and her current owner’s work shifts have changed meaning he does not have the time to give to Jade. Would keep if it was fair on her. She does pull on the lead to start but soon settles and has recall and basic commands. No issues with food or toys. Described by our volunteer as a nice looking, well mannered lady who is very polite after the initial greeting barks. Jade should fit into most homes! Jade is settling into her new home. Beautiful Jade has passed over Rainbow Bridge at the grand age of 12.
  27. Katie

    May I introduce Katie who is 4 years old. Unknown if spayed but she is microchipped and vaccinations have been started. As we do not know her history we would not rehome her with young children. She has been ok with other dogs at the kennels when out walking. Unknown with cats. Katie is very people friendly and very obedient, so she has had some good training somewhere along the line. She does have a malabsorption issue but this is under control with medication and diet and she is gaining weight nicely. Katie would probably prefer to be the only dog in the home, but she would be a wonderfully loving addition to your home! Katie has found a home. Katie has sadly passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  28. Mia

    This gorgeous girl is 4 year Mia who is currently unspayed but is vaccinated and microchipped. Mia is good with children of all ages, dogs and cats in the home. She is a very friendly girl and gets excited to meet new people. Good on the lead, and good recall Mia is only being rehomed due to her owner’s terminal illness. Our volunteer described her as a wonderful example of the breed. Mia is food orientated and will steal food if left unattended but we all have to have at least one naughty habit! This gorgeous girl deserves a super home! Mia now has a new family to call her own! Mia had a wonderful life but has now passed over Rainbow Bridge as old age took over.
  29. Rosa

    Rosa was rehomed by us in 2017 and this was her history: “This lovely girl is Rosa who is about 3 years old. Rosa came to us from the pound so we have no history for her. She is vaccinated and microchipped but unknown if spayed. Rosa loves people but we would not rehome with younger children. So far she has reacted badly to all dogs she has met so will need an experienced and calm owner who can continue to work through this problem. Has obviously had training in the past as she has a good range of commands. Can you give Rosa a calm and confident home to help this girl really enjoy life to the full please?” Sadly Rosa is having to be rehomed as she managed to dig under the fence into next door’s garden and catch and kill their cat. Rosa is great with people and children of all ages but needs a pet free home as she tolerates other larger dogs but does not like small dogs. Our volunteer described her as adorable and very treat and ball orientated. Rosa is now coming up to 9 years of age but does not act it!...
  30. Hazel

    This little girl came to us from the pound and she was scared of her own shadow, really didn’t want any interaction from anyone, she had gone into shut down. We think she is around 4/5yrs no season history, vaccinated and chipped. Well……after only a week with us we have found her on button and she is a different dog!! Apparently she will do anything if you give her a bum scrub!! Such an affectionate girl who loves everyone she has met, will need more doggy socialising, a no to cats, will be fine around older children. Will need further training but willing to learn, walks well on the lead. Can anyone give this girl the home she deserves. Beautiful Hazel has passed over Rainbow Bridge after a wonderful life.
  31. Clyde

    May I introduce Clyde who is 4 years old, neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. We took Clyde in from a rescue in Kent who felt he would have more of a chance with a breed specific rescue. Clyde was originally a police case dog and was with them for six months during of ongoing enquiries. Basically he was left on site when owner was arrested. Clyde was then signed over for rehoming and he stayed with the rescue for another three months. He found a home with an elderly lady who had him approximately a month but she had to give up on him as she decided he was too much. This may be because everyone believed he was 7 but in fact this was an estimate and his original microchip (which is down his leg) states he is only 4! Clyde can live with a female dog and is social with males. He is quite a large lad, has basic commands and very intelligent. Always been clean in his kennels and travels well. Very affectionate towards humans, and he would be fine with older children. Now in foster. Can you give Clyde a home please? Clyde is now settling in his...
  32. Gus

    Gus came to us as a stray into our Essex kennels just before Christmas, he moved our Cheshire kennels in February he is 7 years old, neutered, microchipped and fully vaccinated. Since being with us he has shown he knows the basic commands so it appears someone has put some work in with him. He is an independent boy but once he knows you he is affectionate, he loves to play ball and would do this for hours if he could. He is a real water baby, loved the hydro pool but also loves muddy puddles. Since arriving at GSRE kennels he has shown no aggression to any of the kennel staff or volunteers. He did show some food aggression around his bowl when he first arrived but this has diminished and is fine when left alone to eat in peace. He takes treats nicely and when given high value treats in his kennel he takes them off to his bed to eat alone. He walks well on lead, he has been walked using a Gencon headcollar by some volunteers and whilst out he has seen joggers, cyclists, walkers, and horse riders with no reaction. He does react to some...
  33. Navajo

    Navajo was born on 17.3.16. This lovely little girl came into the rescue with her brother and sister having been removed from what the council described as a puppy farm. She had an owner lined up already so we worked with her new owner and the breeder and she is now happily living in Jersey. The beautiful Navajo life was way too short. The dreaded C took over her body and at the age of just 6 she has gone over Rainbow Bridge. Run free with your mum Crystal beautiful girl x
  34. Gizmo

    This gorgeous lad is Gizmo who is 8 years young. Neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. Gizmo came to us from another rescue where he was stressed in kennels and was losing weight. We would not rehome Gizmo with young children as we do not know his full history. He has been absolutely fine with all other dogs he has met. Gizmo is a very lively, playful and energetic lad, and loves his ball. Very loving and kissy! This lad just needs an experienced home that understands about introducing people into the home correctly. Would happily live with another dog or two, and rather likes them! Gizmo really needs a rural home where he has the walks and space to be able to run off lead. This is what his foster mum has to say about him: “Gizzy (he comes to this willingly!) came to stay in foster with us about 8 weeks ago. He quickly settled in with my two dogs and once he had found his paws very quickly became an affectionate and chilled out boy. I co-host a group walk in our area and Gizzy has been attending them from the very first week he landed with us, and...
  35. Honey

    Have a look at this gorgeous older girl we collected from the pound recently. She is stunning and so friendly. Now in a foster home where she belongs homely being adopted soon. Honey has been adopted. The beautiful Honey did not have long in her home as it was discovered she had multiple pancreatic tumours. She has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  36. Tyson

    May I introduce Tyson who is a 10 year old a Belgian Shepherd Malinois. We could not say no to this poor fella after being contacted by Social Services who were as concerned about the dog as they were the rest of the family. Tyson had been with them since a pup. Entire, no chip, no vaccinations. He spent most of his life shut in a cage that wasn’t even big enough for him, hence the chewing of his fur. Tyson has been with us 2 weeks now and you can see the difference in him from the photos. His vaccinations have been started, he is now microchipped and neutered and of course putting weight on, and most importantly, he has learnt to smile about life again. Tyson is used to children but would probably appreciate a quieter home now. Been fine with the dogs he has met and would probably live happily with a mature bitch. Met the cat at the kennels and wanted to play with it! This lovely lad would just like a retirement home please where he can spend the rest of his life being a dog in a happy and calm environment. Tyson is staying...
  37. Billy

    Have a look at this lovely lad, his name is Billy and he recently arrived with us from the dog pound. We think he is about 4yrs old, he will be starting his vaccinations again, he is chipped and neutered. Our Vollie at the kennels who has been working with Billy tells us he is great with all people he has met so far and seems to be fine around other dogs. He did see a cat and showed some interest but no aggression. No history with children. More updates on this lad to follow but if you think Billy could be the one for you then please get in touch! Beautiful Billy who was renamed Luka has sadly passed over Rainbow Bridge with his family at his side.
  38. Simba

    Simba is a GSD cross Collie who will be 2 in August. He is neutered and we are told up to date with his vaccinations and he is microchipped. He is being rehomed as his owner has grandchildren moving in with them and sadly one of the grandchildren has done something to Simba (the child will not tell what) that has meant he is now intolerant of them and has to be kept separate when visiting. Simba greeted out volunteer with a typical bark but no further reaction. Needs more proper socialisation with other dogs as at present he is not confident so in the wrong situation could react in the wrong way. Walks nicely on the lead and has good recall and basic commands. Guards toys from other dogs but no issues with humans ever seen. Our volunteer describes Simba as being a well raised and well cared for young lad. He will chase cats and birds but is fine with horses. A beautiful dog, lovely temperament and could be a dream dog in a child free home. Needs a home who also understands the collie side of him means he can be fixated on things but this can...
  39. Milo

    Meet Milo, he is 20 month old, not yet neutered, fully vaccinated and chipped. Milo suffers with some nervous aggression issues at home and out walking. He will bark at new people and lunge towards them, new intros will need to be done with a muzzle to ensure all parties stay calm and confident which can then be passed on to Milo. He currently lives with a cat who he is fine with but like all other dogs will bark at cats outside the home. Milo is raw fed and is allergic to chicken. No possession issues with food or toys. Knows all his basic commands and has ok recall. Milo needs a confident home with Gsd experience of dealing with NA dogs, this lad needs confidence along with training to settle him into a new home. We have been informed by Milo’s owner that he has sadly passed over the bridge.
  40. Jessie

    This little lass is 4 year Jessie who came to us from the pound where her time was up. She is a GSD cross  as you can see. Unknown if spayed. Been vaccinated and microchipped. Jessie was described by the kennels as a real sweetie. Doesn’t take up much space! Now in foster with 6 other dogs of all shapes and sizes of sex. She was quite nervous leaving the kennels but seems pretty chilled back in a home environment. Also good with cats! She loved the cat at the kennels. Can someone give this gorgeous little pocket rocket a home please? The lovely Jessie has found her forever home! Beautiful Jessie had a wonderful life but has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  41. Maximus

    This stunning young fella is 19 month Maximus who is GSD cross Ridgeback.  His current owner has had Maximus since a pup at 10 weeks of age. Maximus is entire but is vaccinated and microchipped. He is good with children of all ages and other dogs and currently lives with a JRT bitch. Maximus will need a home that can continue his training as he does still pull on his lead at times but does know basic commands and has recall. This lovely lad is only being re-homed due to a relationship breakdown and although his dad loves him dearly knows it is not fair for him to keep him as it means he will be left 10 hours a day when he starts his new job. Maximus would really like to be a lap dog! Can you resist that face? Maximus now has a new family who have got much more time to give this gorgeous young man. Maximus had a long and happy life with his family but has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.  
  42. Skii

    May I introduce Skii who has just arrived with her daughter Mulan. Skii is a Belgian Shepherd Malinois She is just 11 years old. Skii is vaccinated and microchipped but unspayed and has been used for breeding in the past and we are told has had a few litters. We do not know much about her history other than they went into kennels in November 2019 while their owners sold their house in the UK and sorted their new home in Spain. The dogs were meant to follow. They moved to Spain in January and finally took 2 of their dogs in March, but never came back for Skii and her daughter. No young children and no other pets as Ski is dog aggressive. She did used to live with her daughter but started attacking her a few months back so they will definitely be rehomed separately. Skii is lovely with people and still has bundles of energy but is on Meloxidyl. This older lady should not be in kennels but living out her retirement in a home please. Can you help? Skii is staying with the rescue and has found herself a super long term foster home. Beautiful Skii...
  43. Merlin

    Cast your eyes on this lovely older lad. We recently took him in from the local dog warden as he had been dumped and ended up in stray kennels. He is still entire for now, fully vaccinated and chipped. Merlin has recently gone into foster care and is at last enjoying some home comforts that he so deserves! Merlin has been adopted. The handsome Merlin has passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  44. Wurzel

    Wurzel is 7 years old, neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. This lad came to us with his son (they don’t get on) from another rescue who asked for more breed specific help.  Both dogs came from living in a yard, having been tethered, possibly used as a deterrent to intruders. Wurzel is really responsive to training and good with commands etc. He was mouthing when he first arrived with the other rescue, but will carry a toy which stops him doing this. Good with other dogs (as long as they don’t take his toys). No young children as history unknown. Would probably be happy living with a bitch. Can you give Wurzel the home he deserves please? Wurzel is finally in a home of his own. Wurzel renamed Sirius, has passed over Rainbow Bridge at the age of 13.
  45. Bodie

    This handsome lad is 6 year old Bodie. He is neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. He was taken to the vets to be put to sleep because his owners couldn’t cope with him, but the vets rang us for help as there is nothing wrong with this lad. The kennels describe him as unassuming, loving, kind hearted, extremely clean and well behaved. A little shy at first. Very thin when he first came in but putting on weight now steadily. Bodie likes to play but gently, and prefers to just be close and loved. Bodie has been fine around the other large dogs at the kennels. Older children only purely as we do not know his full history, and unknown with cats. Could you give this poor lad a second chance please? Bodie is settling into his new home. Bodie who was renamed Bear has passed over Rainbow Bridge after some wonderful years with his family.
  46. Olly

    Olly is 5 years old, neutered and microchipped but vaccinations may need bringing up to date. He has not had any interaction with young children so we would only rehome him with older children. He can be ok with larger dogs but does not like small dogs or cats at all but does live with another dog. Can come across as very in your face when you first go into his home, but our volunteer sat down and ignored him and he soon made friends for some liver cake. Olly will need some lead training as he does pull and seems to walk best on a halti. Recall is hit and miss but does have some basic commands. Olly is only being rehomed as his owner is having to move into accommodation where he is not allowed. Our volunteer described him as a really lovely dog who is just a little sensitive and misunderstood. In the right hands he will make a cracking lad! Olly has been rehomed! Handsome Olly had over 6 wonderful years with his family before passing over Rainbow Bridge.  
  47. Louise

    This lovely lass is Louise who came in with another bitch, Thelma. The girls are both 5 years of age we are told but little else is known about them including their original names. Thelma and Louise’s dad died and were found to be living on his smallholding in Wales. Both girls are now spayed, vaccinated and microchipped and as you can see from the photos, fresh from the grooming parlour! We believe they lived outside. Unknown with children so older children only. Quite dominant with other dogs and do not like small dogs! Neither girls knew what a lead was but have come on leaps and bounds. These girls would benefit from homes of their own.  They will need experienced and patient homes that can teach them all about life in the world. Since arriving in our kennels Louise has come on so well, still quite nervous of new people but when she gets to know you she too is a loving girl but will need time to adjust into a new family. She also has a sensitive tummy but is fine with chicken based meals. Are you that special home? Louise is now in her new home. Another...
  48. Bear

    Have a look at this lovely older girl. Came to us as a stray, lovely around all People she has met, fine to walk alongside other dogs, unknown with cats or young children. Now in foster keeping her paws crossed it’s forever! Bear has been adopted. Gorgeous Bear may not have had long in her loving home but passed over Rainbow Bridge knowing she was loved.
  49. Levi

    Meet Levi, 3yrs neutered male, fully vaccinated and chipped. This gorgeous young lad found his home life turned upside down and locked in his house for over 26hrs not knowing what was going on, but thankfully his vigilant neighbours were looking out for him and called us and here he is. This lad is good with everything and everybody, he currently lives with a gsd bitch who he loves, has made friends with all other dogs he has met, had an introduction to family cats and no reaction at all. Fine with children and just loves everyone he meets. Can anyone offer this lad a forever home as he sure does deserve one! Levi is now in a super home of his own. The beautiful Levi had a wonderful long and happy life with his family but has now paced over Rainbow Bridge coming up to 12 years of age.
  50. Minnie

    Have a look at this lovely little girl, we named her Minnie as she is a tiny girl but boy does she have a big voice! We think she is around 2yrs, not known if spayed, fully vaccinated and chipped. She likes to start all her walks off with some lovely singing but we are training her now to save the singing for a special occasion. She has been fine around dogs on her walks, not keen on cats, but seems to love all people she has met so far. A real sweetie who so deserves so much more than life has dealt her so far! Beautiful Minnie has passed over Rainbow Bridge.  
  51. Jazz

    Jazz is about 4 years old. She is microchipped. Unknown if spayed. This lovely girl came to us from the pound so her history is unknown. No young children because of this. Has been fine with other dogs at the kennels but need to find out more on her re socialising. The warden told me that she needs a home that can restore her faith in people, and from the look in her eyes, I can see what he means. Can you open your heart and home to Jazz please? Jazz has found her forever home. Beautiful Jazz has passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  52. Faith

    May I introduce Faith who is approaching 10 years of age. Faith came into us in season so can be spay in July. She is microchipped and her vaccinations have been started. We were asked to take this lovely girl in after her owners had taken her to the vets to be put to sleep. Why; because they had got a new and younger dog and because Faith did not accept her immediately (bearing in mind she was in season as well), she was now longer wanted! Faith has been lovely with everyone she has met so far. Would probably prefer older children. Has not reacted to any dogs she has seen at the kennels but obviously not able to fully socialise at present. Unknown with cats. Please give Faith the home she so deserves. Faith is staying with her foster home. Faith passed over Rainbow Bridge at a grand old age.
  53. Zeus

    Grumpy old man alert – Spent the last 8yrs living in a yard, hardly enough food to survive on, no company, nowhere safe or warm to sleep. He is chipped, not vaccinated and still got his crown Jewells! On first arriving he was understandably a little grumbly as he had met very few people in his 8yrs but with some tasty treats he started to think that we might not be that bad after all. Everyday he is getting less wary and we have actually caught him playing with the toys we gave him which made us want to cry! Not sure he will ever adapt to living in a home so currently chilling out at the quiet kennels in Cornwall. Zeus had really come out of his shell and loved his Auntie Jan for cuddles. Sadly he has passed over Rainbow Bridge. Absolutely no signs of anything wrong with him, he had a normal day, had eaten all his meals, but when Auntie Jan went up to the kennels last night for last let out, he was curled up in his bed and had gone. Run free Zeus.
  54. Sadie

    And yet another black Ninja girl looking for her forever home. Sadie is almost 3, now spayed, fully vaccinated and chipped. Sadie went briefly into foster with another bitch but was too dominant and tried to bully the other girl who was very submissive so this did not work. She did seem fine around the chickens and cats and I am sure may be fine with a male dog. Not seen her with children so older ones only. Sadie can be a little territorial but nothing that cannot be worked with. Our assessor found her lively bouncy pup who wanting some attention, she will obviously need ground rules but all in all she is a lovely girl looking for her new home. Could this be you? Sadie has now left rescue to start her new life! Sadie has a wonderful life but has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.        
  55. Max

    Max will be 4 in April. He is now neutered and he has now been microchipped and his vaccinations restarted. Max has come into the kennels as his owners are struggling with him. He is unknown with children and other dogs, however he happily lives with, and submits to the resident Yorkie. He does bark at other dogs when out, but seems more fear than anything else.  He apparently has never seen a cat. Max has been in his home since a pup and has missed out on so much socialisation which makes him nervous aggressive when he comes across things he is not sure about, including meeting new people.  Settles on the lead and has basic commands, but rarely let off lead so recall will need establishing. No issues over food or toys. Max needs an experienced and confident home that can work with his nervous aggression by getting him socialised and making him understand there is nothing to be fearful of. Sadly his owners were very tense with him, expecting him to do something, so of course things were just going round in a vicious cycle. May well benefit from having an older bitch around who can give...
  56. Wilson

    May I introduce Wilson who is just 1 year old. He is microchipped and we are told vaccinated and now neutered. He has been with the same family since a pup but they do not feel they can manage him long term. We are told Wilson is not good with children, and unknown with dogs and cats, however will chase squirrels so would say no to cats! Only used to be being left a few hours and is crated when left.  Doesn’t like getting in the car but settles once in. Wilson has no boundaries or lead training  but is slightly better with a harness we are told as he is a lead grabber. Selective recall. This poor young lad also suffers with skin allergies and does not like the vets which does not help. There have been a couple of biting incidents, one was the nurse at the vets when being sedated but they do not hold it against hime, and another was when he was asleep and his dad stroked him which may have made him jump. There was also an incident with a hose pipe. Wilson will need a very calm and confident GSD experienced home that...
  57. Justice aka Jess

    Well what can I say about this gorgeous older girl. We were asked to Justice in from the same place as Kea and Karma (and the same original owner). She is coming up to 10 years old and is a Mali cross. She is microchipped and vaccinations are being restarted, but not spayed as far as we are aware. Justice loves people and is super friendly and happy. She is slightly overweight and stiff on her back end however we are putting her on a daily Metacam and she would probably benefit from Yumove Plus as well. We are told she is not keen on other dogs but happily said hello to all the other dogs at the kennels and got quite excited when she saw Kea and Karma. Justice would love a retirement home where she can just love and be loved please and how can you say no to this super happy girl! Justice has bagged herself a super long term foster home! Justice who was renamed Jess, may not have had long in her forever home, but the time she had was full of fun and love. Sadly she developed a mammary tumour very quickly which spread...
  58. Sonny

    Sonny is a 3 year neutered male. He is vaccinated and chipped. Sonny is ok with other dogs with careful introduction but needs a child free home. Sonny needs an experienced owner who can keep his respect and in return he walks well on the lead, does agility and tracking! Very ball orientated. Only being rehomed as his mum is now on her own and living in a flat and suffering from ill health. In kennels Sonny appeared snappy when first meeting new people but once walked seems fine with them. He has shown no aggression over food or towards other dogs and is very clean in his home. Now in foster, he has settled in with the resident bitch. Can you give Sonny a home? Sonny is staying with his foster home. Sonny had a wonderful life but has now passed over Rainbow Bridge.
  59. Ava

    May I introduce Ava who is 9 years young, spayed, microchipped and vaccinated. Ava came in with Hettie after we were asked by the police if we could take them in to relieve some pressure off a family on their patch. They are both good with other dogs and have lived with children. Unknown with cats. This is what the kennels have to say: “Really lovely girls, quiet, extremely friendly with everyone and all the dogs. Love spending time together but also like their own space and peace. Ava likes to talk while yawning. Very unassuming ladies.” Can you give one of these girls a home please? Ava is now settled in a super home. Beautiful Ava who was known as Hettie,has passed over Rainbow Bridge after a wonderful few years with her family.
  60. Jerry

    This lad is about 4 years old. Vaccinations started, microchipped and being neutered. Jerry came to us from the pound so nothing known of his history. He is quite nervous meeting new people, especially men, but will cower away rather than show aggression. Once he knows you though he is a lovely lad. Been fine out walking with other dogs. Unknown with cats. Older children only as we do not know his history. Can you give Jerry a home please? Jerry is now starting his new life! The gorgeous Jerry has passed over Rainbow Bridge.

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Why we do what we do

German Shepherd Rescue Elite was not only set up to help as many unwanted, abandoned and neglected German Shepherds as possible, but to also offer education to the general public on the responsibilities / pros / cons of owning a large working breed dog and to be able to offer help and advice so hopefully we can become the prevention for once instead of always being the cure.

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