In memory of those who have crossed over Rainbow Bridge.


  1. Rudi

    This is a very tragic story of a loyal dog who at the end of his life was betrayed so badly by the people he thought loved him. Rudi was found by a lady walking through the woods one December afternoon in a terrible state. He was all but stone deaf, almost blind, emaciated and all but dead, stumbling around in the minus temperatures and without a doubt would have died that night. When the dog warden saw him he was shocked and said this was a definite case of neglect and as no one in the small village had ever seen this dog before it was pretty obvious he had been driven there and dumped! He came into foster with us and sadly he was so badly neglected he only lasted just over a week, and I have to say in the very short time I knew this gorgeous gentle boy it broke my heart to watch him die and not be able to do a damn thing about it. R.I.P you gentle man. xx
  2. Benson

    Benson originally came into rescue as his owners were emigrating leaving him at 10 years old. On arrival it was apparent he had not been medically cared for and poor Benson went through many vet visits and medical treatment to make him comfortable. He loved people and touched everyone that met him. Benson was in long term foster with a lovely couple and their female shep where he was happy and loved for the last year of his life.
  3. Chance

    This handsome lad came into the rescue through a Dog Warden in Hounslow. He was found in an emaciated state, claws too long, dull coat… They had given him a massive amount of medical help, including 2 days on a drip. Once they had Chance stabilised they asked for our help. Unfortunately it was too late for this poor lad. Whatever damage had been done was irreparable and sheer love and care kept him alive and happy for 6 weeks through the Summer. Chance had the opportunity to love and be loved, and learn to smile again. He told us when the day had come and despite the short amount of time he was with us, he will never be forgotten.  
  4. Ben

    Ben came into kennels having been taken in by a dog warden in Coventry in an appalling state. Ben’s owner had lost his job and home and they had been living rough for some time. He was taken into foster very soon after arriving at the kennels and certainly enjoyed the comfort of living in a home environment. Our fosterer had nothing but praise for this lad. Ben was adopted by a lovely lady and her 2 female sheps where he spent the last of his days enjoying pottering around the fields.  
  5. Tia

    Tia came into the rescue at 11 years old having lived in her previous home for 10 years having been thrown out due to the arrival of a new baby!! She was first spotted by one of our vollies on a free ads site for £50!! This absolutely super girl was taken into foster with 2 males and had the time of her life. Foster mum knew she may not have long so offered her a home until the end of her days. Tia may not have had long with her foster family but in that time she had fun, love, tlc and learnt to smile again.      

Last Will & Testament

Why we do what we do

German Shepherd Rescue Elite was not only set up to help as many unwanted, abandoned and neglected German Shepherds as possible, but to also offer education to the general public on the responsibilities / pros / cons of owning a large working breed dog and to be able to offer help and advice so hopefully we can become the prevention for once instead of always being the cure.

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